alternative locations bedbugs found

Alternative Locations Where Bedbugs Can Be Found

Written by BooAdmin on . Posted in Tips

When it comes to pest control and extermination, the bedbug is one of the most straightforward issues out there. The name tells you much of what you need to know – bedbugs are most common in or around bed areas, largely due to their inability to fly and their desire to be near humans and other warmth sources.

At Bug Busters, however, we’re here to tell you a curious fact you may not have known before: Despite their name, bedbugs can be found in several locations besides your bed itself, and they can create all the same issues from these other locations as well. Luckily, proper residential pest control services from our team can help prevent the possibility of …

risks rodents home insulation

Risks Rodents Pose to Home Insulation

Written by BooAdmin on . Posted in Tips

There are many different pests or home invaders that might be particularly harmful to your house’s structure, and some of the top examples here are rodents like mice and rats. These are some of the larger invaders you might deal with, and unlucky homeowners may even run into bigger animals like squirrels, raccoons or possums.

At Bug Busters, our residential pest control services include a full range of protections against mice, rats and all other larger invaders. One of the primary risks these creatures pose is to the insulation in your home, which can have several negative trickle-down effects if you aren’t careful. Let’s go over how rodents operate inside the home, the issues they pose to insulation, and …

Prepare Your Yard for Springtime With These Projects

Written by Wasatch Bug Busters on . Posted in Tips

Spring is just around the corner, and it is time to start thinking about your yard again. Landscaping each spring is important-after all, taking care of your yard improves your home’s value, eliminates the risk of pests, and keeps relationships between neighbors friendly.

The grass will turn green and grow quickly again as the weather gets warmer. The soil will loosen as the frost disappears. And your trees will be ready for some much-needed TLC. Are you ready for springtime landscaping?

Develop your landscaping strategy with our tips on tree care, flower bed and garden maintenance, and lawn care.

Tree Care

Your home’s trees provide shade in the summer and look beautiful during every season. Many homeowners don’t realize how …

Don’t Let the Bedbugs Bite: 5 Signs of a Bedbug Infestation

Written by Wasatch Bug Busters on . Posted in Tips

As a homeowner, you have probably heard horror stories about bedbugs. These pests can come from anywhere, and they often prove particularly difficult to exterminate. In a previous blog, we discussed how to avoid bringing bedbugs into your home.

But vigilance isn’t a surefire guarantee you won’t ever have to deal with bedbugs, especially if you have pets or children who might bring the bugs in. So how do you know if this pest has infiltrated your home?

In this blog, we list five signs of a serious bedbug infestation that will likely require professional removal.

1. Blood Smears on Upholstered Furniture

Bedbugs often come in large family groups. Because you’ll rarely have a single bug crawling on any …

How to Winterize Your Home Against Insects

Written by Wasatch Bug Busters on . Posted in Tips

In a previous blog, we provided you with tips to mouse-proof your home during the summer. But as the days and nights get colder, it’s more important than ever to protect your home against pests.

You can use many of the tips in our mouse-proofing blog to winterize your home against mice and rats, but what about bugs?

Below, we’ve listed a few tips to help you winterize your home against insects. As you implement a few of these methods, you can keep creepy crawlies out of your home and avoid a potential winter infestation.

Clear Away Outside Debris

The best way to prevent pests from getting inside your home is to make sure that they don’t live near …

How to Keep Bedbugs out of Your Home

Written by Wasatch Bug Busters on . Posted in Tips

You do all you can to keep strangers from finding a way into your home. Locks on your doors, automatic lighting on your porch, and other security tactics help you feel safe. But have you considered nonhuman intruders? While no one intentionally welcomes bed bugs, people might not realize how their actions brings these pests into their homes.

Two of the most common ways you may open your doors to bed bugs include during a trip or move. Below, learn what to look for, where to look, and how to handle these situations.

What to Look For

To prevent bed bugs from coming inside your home, you need to detect them. These pests usually reside in or near beds in …

Plants and Pests: How Your Garden Invites Pests into Your Home

Written by Wasatch Bug Busters on . Posted in Tips

You want to plant your garden next week. Maybe you’d like to spruce up your home with some new houseplants. But you’ve had pest control problems in the past, and you’re afraid that ants, spiders, mice, and other vermin will destroy any flora you plan to decorate your home with.

Did you know that your gardening may unintentionally invite unwanted pests into your home? It’s true. Certain plants attract irksome bugs and critters while other plants deter and drive these bugs away. You can also grow specific plants to gather helpful insects around your home. These friendly bugs also rid your home of those nasty pests you’d rather forget about.

As you learn how to eliminate bugs and other critters …