Pest prevention technician in kitchen

Fall Home or Building Pest Prevention Tips, Part 1

Written by BooAdmin on . Posted in Tips

As the weather turns a bit cooler and the leaves begin to change, home and business owners everywhere are well aware that fall is here. That means it’s time to ensure a few important areas of structural maintenance are covered on your property, and one vital area here is pest control and preparing the space for the upcoming winter.

At Bug Busters, we’re proud to offer a variety of residential and commercial pest control services, including those that will help prepare you for the upcoming cool season. When temperatures change, so do the kinds of pests that might invade your home and the tactics you should be taking to prevent such infestations – this two-part blog will go over some of the top tips our exterminators can provide in terms of preparing your space for the changing season without risking any pest issues.

Locating and Blocking Entryways

The first and often most significant step toward preventing pests in your home this fall or winter: Limiting their ability to enter the space to begin with. Inspect every possible area where entry could take place, beginning with doors and windows plus any cracks or gaps that have formed in these potentially susceptible areas. If you find any such issues, seal them off with weather stripping or caulk.

One other important area to check is the dryer vent and damper, which lead from inside to outside and could be a haven for certain pests. Make sure the damper isn’t stuck open or broken off, and also ensure the seal between the wall and vent are fully tight.

Gaps, Siding and Mesh

Down similar lines to the above, check all your soffit gaps on your roof as long as you can do so safely. If you find any nests or other pest signs within them, pull these out and fill the openings with expanding foam to close them off. In addition, use latex caulk to fill any gaps between your trim and siding.

One other handy material we can recommend here: Mesh, which is great for sealing off insect entrances. Simply stuff in a significant amount of copper mesh with a screwdriver, leaving a small amount of space for a foam sealant that you can use in addition.

Moisture Concerns

Many pest types thrive on moisture and will gravitate to areas where standing water is. You can take steps both inside and outside to limiting such areas, from raking soil and mulch away from the home to ensuring you don’t have any leaks or other moisture areas present in the building. You should also consider keeping bushes trimmed back so there aren’t moisture buildups within them, especially those close to the structure.


If mice are a common concern in your area, you may choose to use snap-type mousetraps – but it’s vital to place these properly and safely. They should go along the walls where you’ve seen mice or their droppings, generally with two traps set in a given area parallel to the wall. This means that even if a mouse jumps over one trap, they likely won’t clear the other.

For more on fall pest prevention tips, or to learn about any of our exterminator services, speak to the staff at Bug Busters today.