Tree Spraying Preparation: Types, Symptoms and Approach
While needs among those who are considering tree spraying services for their properties may share some similarities, they are never identical – what works in certain settings or with certain tree species may not work in other situations. Whether trees are dealing with insects, fungus or other forms of disease, the approach to treating these concerns will vary based on the specifics.
At Bug Busters, we’re proud to offer tree spraying services for any of these concerns you may be dealing with, as part of our comprehensive pest control program that covers both interior and exterior areas of your property. Because no tree spraying approach will be exactly the same, it’s important for clients considering this service to ask the proper questions and take the right steps while identifying the ideal partner and services needed. This two-part blog series will go over several of the most important factors to raise with your tree spraying specialist before your appointment, plus red flags that might indicate you should consider a different specialist.
Tree Types and Symptoms
First and foremost, your tree spraying specialist should be knowledgeable regarding the types of trees and plants being considered for spraying. Unfortunately, this isn’t always the case – some companies hire new technicians constantly, including those who are not experienced, and they may not have the knowledge base you desire for tree and plant types.
If this is the case, it’s a problem for you. Pest, disease and fungus issues vary significantly between tree and plant species, and a professional who can’t identify them risks using the wrong treatments – and making the damage worse in some cases. On the flip side, an experienced tree spraying expert knows all the tree types in your area, plus the issues affecting them and how to treat them.
Possible Future Symptoms
Not only should your tree spraying specialist be able to identify your trees and diagnose any current issues they’re having, they should also be able to inform you of future symptoms. Some tree problems will take a period of time to resolve once you’ve sprayed the tree, and you may have to deal with symptoms like discoloration, stem dieback, blisters, lesions and possibly others. Your technician should be able to tell you how soon you can expect these symptoms to abate after spraying, plus whether any of them might remain regardless.
Plan of Action
From here, it’s important that you speak to your specialist about the plan of action for your tree spraying needs. This should be customized to your property based on the specific needs, with knowledge of which trees are dealing with problems and spraying services targeted toward these areas.
For more on what to ask your tree spraying specialist in preparation for your spraying services, or to learn about any of our pest control or exterminator solutions, speak to the staff at Bug Busters today.